A date with Vitality and More (Arzu Dogan)


When Instagram launched, we all discovered a new platform to connect with like-minded people. I have found some genuine friendships that I will call forever friends and Arzu (AKA @vitalityandmore) is one of them. They say a picture says 1000 words and Arzu's feed would say a billion.

From the moment I laid eyes on her delicious creations I knew she was a special human. Her motto is "I'm here to inspire and be inspired", and that she most certainly does.

“There is peace and tranquility that can be found in nature and in the countryside”

We couldn’t agree more. We were so very grateful and blessed to be able to interview Arzu and hear her journey to hopefully inspire you to take the leap on your own road of self-discovery. She also shares a delicious recipe with us - kid-friendly of course – ORGANIC BANANA & MAPLE CAKE which already has us salivating xo


A date with Vitality and More (Arzu)

We absolutely love hearing about people’s journeys of how they found their true purpose in life. Can you tell us briefly about your journey? What is your story?

I began sharing my organic lifestyle with everyone after healing myself from an auto-immune condition three years ago.  I had to slow down, practise mindfulness and remove refined sugar, any food, that was not organic as my body was suffering from toxin sensitivity, inflammation, chest pain – it was awful. I chose to buy organically grown food products because I was so concerned about pesticides, additives, antibiotics and other chemical residues. I started to read and research about food and what harmful chemicals were being used on the food we were digesting and was absolutely alarmed. Although pesticide residues in fruit and vegetables are monitored in Australia, I am still not convinced and have personally experienced it through my health that organic food is better for you. My page (Instagram and Facebook – blog is coming later this year) is about living and sharing an organic and mindful lifestyle with you all and sharing my passion for baking yummy vegan desserts and treats.  Since healing from my illness and getting my health back – hence the name “vitalityandmore” - I got my vitality back, fell in love with food again and my creative juices began to flow in the kitchen. I started to create things I had never created before and found therapy in my kitchen.  Through organic food, clean eating, homeopathy, naturopathy and mindfulness (meditation and yoga) I have found my inner peace and now feel this is my journey, my story to share my “life’s true purpose”.

We would love to hear about how you spend your ideal day and your daily rituals?

I will start my day with intention and connecting to my higher self and ask what is in my best interest. I will write down in my dream journal (any messages I may have received) and my gratitude journal. I will have a breakfast that will nourish my body, matcha tea, and a good coffee mid-morning. My breakfast varies depending on how I feel, I just go with the flow.  If I need avo toast and carbs then that’s what I’ll have, if it’s a chia bowl or smoothie bowl then that is what I’ll go for.  I like to go with the flow…I will meditate in the afternoon with mantras when I’m home from spending a couple of hours at the office – to bring more calm and mindfulness before I enter the kitchen to prepare dinners, etc.

What is one thing you would tell your younger self?

You are just beautiful, keep having fun and shine your light.

What is your form of meditation?

For me it’s sitting by the beach or in nature. I feel so connected to all the energies of mother nature.

Do you drink alcohol?

Yes I do – but only preservative-free and organic wine on weekends or for celebrations.

You cook with a lot of raw sugar. Why do you choose natural sugars over processed sugars?

Yes, I love to use organic coconut sugar, organic rice malt syrup and the occasional organic maple syrup!

What is one (or two) books you have read that has changed your life?

OMG…my list is too long, but these have been life changing for me:

Melissa’s Ambrosini - “Mastering your Mean Girl”

Eckhart Tolle - “The Power of Now”

Dr Libby Weaver - “Beauty from the Inside Out”

Lissa Rankin - “Mind Over Medicine”

Louise Hay - “The Power is within You”

What are three things you are grateful for?

My health

My husband, my soulmate – my best friend

My three beautiful children – three blessings




4 ripe organic bananas

½ cup grapeseed oil or other plant-based oil (coconut oil)

½ cup almond milk or other plant-based milk if allergic to nuts

¼ cup organic coconut sugar

¼  cup organic maple syrup (to pour on top before baking)

2 cups organic self-raising flour (alternatively you can use spelt flour and add 1 tsp baking soda instead)

1/2 cup raw organic walnuts chopped (again you can omit if allergies apply)


Place all the dry ingredients first and then mash banana and add all the wet ingredients. Mix & fold together. Place in a round or square small baking tin lined with baking paper, place a few slices of banana on the top and pour over the maple syrup. Bake for about 45 minutes to 1 hour until it's ready (test with a skewer) on 180 degrees.


To follow Arzu Dogan's journey head to;

Instgram: https://www.instagram.com/vitalityandmore/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vitalityandmore


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