HAPPY SOULS :: Is Cosmetic Acupuncture the new Botox? | Dr Abbie Acupuncture at Zhong Centre - PART TWO

I’m a wellness advocate, but I want Botox.

The wellness industry is all about self-love. It’s about accepting ourselves for who we are. So does that include us pumping our faces with Botox? 

When I was 23, I was told by my modelling agency that I needed Botox. Awesome. So I got it and the results changed my life forever. Not only did my first experience result in looking 10 years younger, but I was also lucky enough to birth a protruding vein on my forehead. This vein is otherwise known as the "Botox vein". It moves into your forehead forever and is quite ugly. Regardless, I knew from that moment I needed to keep getting Botox forever. When you know how silky smooth your face can be, it’s very challenging to go back the other way. Once you go Botox, you can't go back... or can you? 

I love Botox; it makes me feel good. It makes me feel younger and fresher, and I would constantly get compliments from people about how young I looked. I’ll take that, 'cause I did. I wasn’t happy with my outer shell so I felt I needed to change it in order to have more self-love. I get it - it makes you feel good, and I'm all about doing things that make me feel good.

But I started on my wellness journey a few years ago and my life has taken a shift. I love everything to do with fitness and health. So much so, I’m now studying Integrative Nutrition at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition based in New York. I’m now all about minimising the use of plastics, switching to non-toxic products, and buying organic, where possible. I'm about sustainability, including sustainably caught fish as I’m now a pescatarian.

So how can I now inject my face with chemicals - essentially poison - to basically freeze it!? For the past six months or so, I have wanted to get Botox so badly. When I looked in the mirror, wrinkles was all I could see. I tried to book in so many times, but something just didn’t feel right. My soul wasn’t aligned, so I cancelled.

On my search for a more natural remedy, my beautiful yogi friend Em Maidment told me about this wonderful lady who does acupuncture. So for six weeks I saw @drabbieacupuncture and got “cosmetic acupuncture”. Cosmetic acupuncture is part of traditional Chinese Medicine and works on the skin's elasticity.  The process involves fine needles being inserted into the face (and body) into the muscle layer to access and release pressure points. It looks painful, but it's not - well only a wee bit during insertion. This is my journey with cosmetic acupuncture with Dr Abbie Acupuncture and the Zhong Centre.

You can find Dr Abbie Acupuncture here;
Instagram: www.instagram.com/drabbieacupuncture/
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Website: www.zhongcentre.com

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