A date with Dan Churchill


Dan Churchill AKA (by me) Mr Smiley is an absolute legend. He is one of those guys that you can't help smile when you see him. Always full of bubbles and love, Dan, together with legendary best mate Hayden Quinn, first melted our hearts on MasterChef

He has since written three books and appeared on ABC’s Good Morning America and Emmy award-winning cooking show The Chew.

Dan found his life's purpose in food. He sees the "power of food in what it can do to in bringing people together… My Mission is to make people happier and food is my tool to do that.”

We were very grateful to be able to connect with Dan and share one of his scrumptious recipes with you.



We would love to hear about how you spend your ideal day and your daily rituals? 

For sure!! Right now living in NYC, it is get up and make my alarm clock, you know, breakfast, as that is how I get out of bed. From there I hit the gym and perform a program that I developed (coming soon to you all soon ;)). After that, I come back and have a meal, before jumping on emails. Then depending on the day, I am either off to work on the restaurant business or develop/shoot recipes for the next blog/episode/book.

Then there is a colourful lunch and afternoon meetings, before some sprints, Australia calls, and a tasty dinner. Overall, it is usually two fun sessions, a lot of cooking and meetings or shooting.

What is one thing you would tell your younger self?

It's funny, I have thought about this, but if I told my younger self something perhaps I wish I had done earlier then it could have changed the course of my existing life. So, in a way, as much as you wish you did things earlier like learn how to hold a camera, I like the way my life has developed.

What is your form of meditation?

I would definitely say cooking. Especially when recipe testing I just get in the zone. The same can be said for my sweat sessions. Although the heart rate is supremely elevated, it is what gets me going. In saying this, recently I have started to do more natural options of meditation.

What is one (or two) books that have changed your life?

The Dorito Effect : It really made me understand the agriculture industry and made me realize the true responsibility I have.

Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss : Amazing way to hear how so many successful individuals have navigated their lives, truly inspiring.

What is your definition of success?

It is not defined by a state of finance or profile, rather to me it's achieving something you set out to do. For example, a mother who quits her job to become a full-time parent and ensure she cares and nurtures her family to get them to their adulthood. Sending love to all the mums.




  • 3 Carrots, grated
  • 1 Banana, mashed
  • 3 cups Almond meal
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon, Ground
  • 1 tsp Nutmeg
  • 1 tsp Ginger Powder
  • 1/2 tsp Gluten Free Baking Powder
  • 1/4 cup Gojiberries or Sultanas (optional).
  • 1/4 cup Walnuts, crushed (plus extra)
  • 3 Eggs
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1/4 cup Maple Syrup
  • 1 tsp Ginger Powder
  • 2 Tbsp Macadamia Oil
  • 250g Ricotta
  • Zest of half a Lemon


  1. Preheat oven to 170 degrees C
  2. Combine almond meal, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger powder and baking powder in a bowl as your dry ingredients
  3. In a separate bowl whisk your eggs, and add the carrot, banana, vanilla extract, maple syrup, and macadamia oil.
  4. Combine the wet ingredients with the dry, then fold in the walnuts and sultanas, if using.
  5. Pour into a greased cake tin and bake for 40-50 minutes.
  6. Remove and place on a drying rack to cool. Meanwhile, combine the zest and ricotta.
  7. Evenly spread the ricotta over the top of the cake and top with extra walnuts.